Donut Grow Up: P Turns 1

P Turned 1 this week, whilst we were away in Greece. Not a total accident as we wanted to use her ‘Donut Grow Up’ party as a chance to create memories with our Greek family and friends. And I’m so glad we did. It was a great birthday bash with a fantastic turn out. Prepping a party in Greece was surprisingly so easy and cheap!

With less than 24hrs notice we had

•A florist put together a floral selfie frame for us

•A cake shop make us a custom made, donut cake with the most delicious strawberry cream filling

•Book a child friendly venue with indoor and outdoor children’s play areas, sea views. And big enough to host 40 plus guests with ease!

We also did it all on quite a tight budget! I was so impressed that I’m seriously considering having all the kid’s future celebrations there!

Venue & Food

We chose the Dionysos restaurant in Sitia. Where the venue and buffet for 25 start from as little as 149 Euros. However, the main clincher for us was the not the price it was the fact that it’s extremely child friendly! With great baby change facilities as well as indoor and outdoor kid’s play areas.


With the help of Pinterest we came up with the cake design we wanted making. €40 and 16 hours later our pretty, pink Donut cake was ready to take away.


We kept it as simple as possible and just set up a table to house the cake, some jars with sweets and our donut themed selfie booth props. And then hung the awesome floral frame we had made especially. The frame cost us 60 euros and the other additional small decs, inflatables and sweeties were around another €50.

I hate to say it out loud, but although this wasn’t our first 1st, it probably is our last. I’m so glad we made sure it was one to remember. If you’re planning a first birthday party and in need of some inspo, check out our ‘First Birthday’ pin board.

Right I’m off to go weep over the fact that my last baby is no longer an actual baby. Seriously though, where did that year go!?

Big love,

Berrit! x

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Ella @ Typical Mummy

    This sounds like a fabulous celebration and the cake looks amazing!!!!! #KidsandKreativity

    1. Booberrit

      It was wonderful! x

  2. Kerry

    I love a themed party, not had a donut one before, but I love the idea! (might have to persudae the kids for next year). That cake looks soo amzing! My last baby is 6 now ;( he seems to be growing up before my very eyes. I don’t want time to stop, just to slow down a little. Thanks again for linking up to #KidsandKreativity x

    1. Booberrit

      I totally understand that feeling!

  3. Emma

    I love the theme of this party…and feel it a little too strongly my last baby will turn one in two months time! Love the selfie frame! #KidsandKreativity

    1. Booberrit

      Don get me started,I’m still sobbing; it goes so fast!

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