Sensory Play: Edible Unicorn Poop

Little unicorn lovers everywhere will go crazy for this unicorn poop recipe. A great sensory play addition. Edible play dough doesn’t just evoke their different senses; touch, smell, taste it also takes the stress out of them putting it in their mouths.

Make Your Own Batch

To make your own batch of unicorn poop you will need:

1 cup of oats

1 cup of flour

1 cup of small marshmallows

2 cups of water

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

3 teaspoons of food colouring – we used blue icing paste this time but to go completely natural try adding beetroot juice to make a pink colour


1)Add the above ingredients to a bowl in the order that they are written, mixing as you go.

2)Use your hands to work the mix into a dough

3)Add extra flour if the mix is too wet and more water if it’s too dry.

For messy play, keep adding water to make the dough gooey and squelchy! Just remember although this dough is edible, it’s not advisable to let children eat the dough. And as with anything like this they should always be supervised when playing with it.

Now you’re good to go, have fun!

Berrit x

This Post Has 14 Comments

    1. Booberrit

      Lots of silly, explorative fun!

  1. Debbie

    I remember eating dough as a child! Although saying that I think I ate quite a lot of sand at the beach too! Euwww! My kids would love this idea. They like anything to do with unicorns. #KidsandKreativity

    1. Booberrit

      Me too!…sand, mud, dog food this is all those free! šŸ˜‚

  2. Gemma

    What a brilliant idea! I usually give my daughter some spare pastry dough to play with, and she would love making her very own dough #kidsandkreativity

    1. Booberrit

      Yeah pastry dough is another favourite in our house, especially as you can mix it with anything to get different textures and tastes; cheese, chocolate, orange zest, vanilla. Plus it cooks in minutes… this recipe is purely for fun!

  3. Emma

    We love a bit of sensory play but it’s always a worry esp with some ‘slime’ products when they put it in their mouth…problem solved! #KidsandKreativity

    1. Booberrit

      Definitely… I am so not ready for slime!

    1. Booberrit

      I figured with the poop quota in the house already being so high a little extra poop wouldn’t hurt! lol

  4. Helena

    With the Unicorn craze I’m sure these will go down well #KidsandKreativity

    1. Booberrit

      Definitely! My niece goes crazy for it, especially as there is a beauty brand that she loves that do unicorn poop pocket mirrors and hairbrushes!!! lol

  5. Kerry

    My daughter would love this, and it would also appeal to my son if I said it was poop! Thanks again for linking up to #KidsandKreativity

    1. Booberrit

      Double win! Thanks for popping by!

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