Meal Inspo: Our Week In Food

As an Anglo-Hellenic couple people often comment on our fusion of food choices. But the truth is we often Google ‘what’s for tea’ at the supermarket! If you find yourself in the same boat why not have a look through our week in food for some meal time inspo. And then comment below with any suggestions you have for us!

Follow highlighted meals for links to more in-depth recipes and extra pinspiration!


Cereal with fruit. Normally something as basic as Cheerios with strawberries, blueberries and banana, drowned in milk will keep everyone happy first thing on a manic Monday.

If you ever find yourself wondering ‘who ate all the pies?’, it was probably us! We’re pie mad in this house. From sausage rolls to spanakopita, Cornish pasties to veg samosa. Made fresh or cooked from frozen this is often an early week go to, midday filler. Especially if we’re on the go as they can be cooked the night before and packed up for lunch boxes or picnics.


A Greek dish, loved by me mainly because its pronounced ‘Fuck Yes’! Fakes just mean lentils. This is an easy vegan, lentil and tomato stew that can be rustled up in under 25 mins. Want to bulk it out? Try topping with pan grilled Paneer, Halloumi or Tofu. And serve with garlic bread.

A great weaning dish as it’s easy to eat without blending and packed full of iron!


Toast with cashew nut butter and banana

Quorn nuggets

The above plate is my perfect lunch. Packed with protein and low in calories without skimping on my portions. I have zero portion control! Theon prefers his eggs scrambled, will have cheesey baked beans instead of the salsa*. And I’m not even gonna lie, I doubt I could even bribe him to take a sniff of an avocado. However, Quorn (or chicken) nuggets never get left behind.

*(chopped red onion, diced tomato, fresh coriander and lime juice)


Being an Anglo-Hellenic house hold, pasta is a major dietary staple for us!




Our favourite is Psarosoupa (fish soup) or Veg soup, made with home made dumplings. This is the ultimate fusion food in our house. The perfect blend of Greece meets West!

One Pot Grill


Banana bread muffins

Layered Salad

Sweet potato & mushroom stroganoff 



Oat smoothie

Another great vegan and weaning friendly, Pinterest find! Perfect for an immune system and energy power up. When I want to take it up an extra notch and power myself through to the weekend I add in a tea spoon of cocoa and a tea spoon of coffee. 

Theon loves it minus the ginger and turmeric and sweetened with honey. 

Chicken, Rice & Greens

Naked Burrito


French toast


Fake Out

Our go to fake out faves are a cheeky home-made Nandos or TGI Fridays Jack Daniels Ribs.



Lunch was a Cretan speciality. Dako and tomato with fave; a mashed split pit dip.


Or Greek tapas. With anything from dolmades with tzatziki, yemista, pita and humus. To dako and tomato salsa with olives and fava. Because we normally have a big breakfast/brunch and full roast on a Sunday. Meze tends to be our favoured light lunch as it tends to be more of a snacking meal to see us through.

Roast Dinner

And that mon amis was our week in food.

Bon appetite!

Berrit x

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Auntie Ana

    Drooling! You guys eat so well! Gonna try a vegetarian version of One Pot Grill. 😋

    1. Booberrit

      I can’t even deny it! 😀

  2. MissPond

    You have had some delicious meals! Those pies look so tasty 🙂

    1. Booberrit

      Soooo tasty!

  3. Sarah

    Your meal plan is definitely a lot more exciting than mine at the moment – might have to try out Fakes and Mushroom & Sweet Potato Stroganoff recipes next week.

    1. Booberrit

      Both really yummy and a firm favourite in our house! Plus great way to up your veg/pulse intake 👍

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