Winter Salad: With Noma Creates #Gifted Spice Rub

This winter salad is inspired by our friend, the wonderfully talented Noma Creates. Who recently sent us a jar of her Spice Rub to try out on one of our ‘What’s On Your Plate’ dishes.

This warmly spiced, winter salad is the perfect way to boost your immune system and is very easy to make.


For this Noma inspired winter salad you will need:

•Shredded chicken

•1 chopped clove of garlic

•1 chopped red onion

•1 red and 1 yellow bell pepper

•2 tablespoons of Noma’s Spice rub

•200g of pulse/grain/soup mix, we’ve used lentils, barley and split peas

•1 tomato

•1 small gem lettuce

•handful of black olives

•1/2 a lemon


•To make the winter salad start by putting a pan on to boil for your pulses.

•Once done add in the frozen veg to your cooked pulses.

•While these are boiling heat a frying pan with a drizzle of oil and add in the chicken, garlic and onion.

•Next add the yellow pepper and spice rub, mix in and then add a splash of water, before adding the red pepper and tomato.

•To layer the salad, start by line a plate or bowl with the shredded gem lettuce, next add the pulses and mixed veg. On top of this add the chicken mix. Sprinkle the olives over the top and dress with the juice of half a lemon.

Use our IGTV video below to cook along side us.

Let us know how you got on by tagging us in your instagram pics.

Kali orexi,

Berrit x

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