Meal Plan: Mummy’s Mac ‘n’ Cheese

This Mac ‘n’ cheese meal plan tends to be a mid week saviour for us. Not only is it easy to make, it’s a great way to pack some hidden veg. Gonna be upfront with you here though, I’m no good with most cheese. But recently found that in moderation I can eat Mozzarella.


To make my Mac ‘n’ Cheese for around 4 people, you will need the ingredients below.

2 finely sliced cloves of garlic

1 diced onion

A handful of fresh parsley

2 handfuls of finely sliced mushrooms (your choice)

1 head of finely chopped broccoli

1 egg

A handful of grated mozzarella

1/2 a small cup of white wine

1/2 a small cup of cream

Extra virgin, Greek olive oil

4 large cups of Pasta


The key to boshing this dish out as quickly as possible is preparation! Start by putting a pan of water on for your pasta. Once the pasta has cooked, drain off the water, drizzle in some olive oil. While still hot, but with the heat turned off mix in the egg. The key here is to not over cook your pasta. You want it al dente (with a bit of bite to it). You don’t want it overly starchy and gloopy! Make sure to toss through the oil and egg so that all the pasta is covered and the egg is cooked through.

Meanwhile, as your water boils, heat a frying pan and drizzle with some of the olive oil. Once hot chuck in your garlic and onions. Next as your onions cook down add your mushroom, a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of pepper. Let the mushroom dry off and brown in the heat of the pan before adding the broccoli. Do not turn the heat down. You want the pan as hot as possible. Keep the veg moving in the pan as you chuck in the wine and parsley. Once the broccoli has cooked through (less than a minute) turn the heat down low. Add the pasta. Pour in your cream, along with the cheese and mix it through until the cheese has melted into the cream and everything has been coated in a nice creamy, cheesey goo!

Want to up the 5 a day quota even more? We sometimes also add green garden peas too!

Did you know that ‘Macaronia’ is the Greek word for pasta. This is not a traditional Mac ‘n’ cheese recipe this is Mummy Berrit’s Mac(aronia) ‘n’ Cheese recipe. Kali orexi!

Do you have a go to pasta dish in your house or an alternative Mac ‘n’ cheese dish? Share them in the comments below.



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