Silvercrest Slow Cooker: Unpaid Review

This is an unpaid review of the Silvercrest slow cooker we recently purchased from Lidl. Found in the middle of Lidl, it cost us just under £15.00.

Every blogger and their Nan seems to have a slow cooker these days. And an infinite supply of one pot recipes to boot! I’m not that blogger but, G and I had been debating as to whether or not we should get one. I love the old school pressure cooker that my mum had, when I was growing up. But it’s just where these things go. I’m not gonna lie G loves a gadget and I hate the clutter!

The fact is though, it doesn’t actually take up that much room and fits quite nicely in the the pots and pans cupboard. Plus shit is getting realer and realer with the amount of layering up we’ve all got to do and no one has invented the 25th hour yet!

How Usable Is The Sivlvercrest Slow cooker?

I’ve got to say it’s pretty easy to use. You simply plug it in and go. It has three heating settings; low, medium and high! You’ll need to do a cleaning run, before you start cooking. This is done simply by filling it with water and letting it heat through and clean itself. Once it’s had it’s test run and clean it’s good to go!

What We Made

We decided to do a trial run over the weekend and try and over night dish. So, we made one pot Sunday chicken stew. We chucked some chicken breasts into the pot with potatoes, carrots and goose fat – I know, we fancy! Actually it was left over from Christmas, we’d probably normally use yiayia’s olive oil. Then we simply topped it up with water and put it on a medium heat, over night.

Our Thoughts

G was really nervous to just leave it, so we monitored it for the first few hours and after doing lots of research, finally felt happy enough to leave it cooking away. The aroma when we woke up was amazing! Everything was fine and it was super convenient to already have lunch ready, when we were. It meant we could go out and do our weekend chores and morning activities before coming home and being able to sit straight down to food.

The clean up was simple too. There were no prep dishes to wash up and even once the meal was made the Silvercrest slow cooker was really easy to rinse out and clean.

Do you use a slow cooker? I’d love to hear your recipes and tips so, pop them in the comments below.

Catch ya later,

Berrit x

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