Warwick Castle: With Kellogg’s Grown Ups Go Free Vouchers

With restriction now almost fully lifted we decided to get for the day. Visiting Warwick castle with Kellogg’s ‘Grown Ups Go Free’ vouchers. We’ve been collecting them for a while as they last until June 2022 and hope to be able to try out a few different parks and attractions. The idea being it might go some way to make up for the distinct lack of travel plans this year. Make sure to check out their full ‘Terms and Conditions’ to guarantee availability for when you want to go.

Getting In

If you decide to take the car to use your ‘Grown Ups Go Free’ vouchers, it can be a little tricky finding the allocated car entrance point. Note that it is just opposite the Tudor House Inn. It’s well worth considering parking at the town centre parking block. The price is around about the same, but means at the end of the day you can just leave without having to queue to pay for parking and then again to get back to the carpark. After which you’ll also queue in your car to get out of the castle grounds. The walk from the town centre to the castle gates takes about 20 mins but so does the walk from the castle carpark to the ticket gate!

Times & Prices

Have you really had an English summer if you didn’t collect cereal coupons! I’ve been using the Grown Ups Go Free vouchers since I was a teen! The vouchers allow 1 free adult admission with every fully paid child admission. Remember however, kids under 3 go free and you can also purchase parent and toddler tickets for £12. I have been before but this was our first time as a family.

Booking online saved us any disappointment at the gates. Finding an available Saturday to visit was also pretty easy and we only had to book one week ahead. The castle is open from 10am-5pm. Although, the halls close at 4pm.

We’d give it a solid 4/5, The facilities were decent, lots for kids to do and space to play. It was easy to navigate but still quite expensive with over 11s charged the same as an adult admission and a family of 4 (with kids over 3) paying around £40 entry- and that’s with the discount!


The pathways are more than wide enough for buggies and wheelchairs. There are also various wheelchair lifts inside the castle for those visiting the great hall. And the facilities for both wheelchair access toilets and baby changing were good, easily accessed and well kept. However, the fortress and towers are not wheel friendly. There are buggy parks for those who can/are happy to leave their buggies. But it does mean lugging your personal belongings and small humans up quite literally hundreds of steps, before then doing it all again to get down. The stair ways are steep and narrow. I wouldn’t advise anyone with claustrophobia to attempt it!

The Warwick castle team were very easy to spot, but in a non intrusive way. Which was good to see, especially since they claim to be committed to inclusivity and accessibility. A full accessibility guide can be found at warwick-castle.com


Definitely pack your own sarnies. The grounds are the perfect place for a pic-nic. There are loads of tables and/or green spaces to sprawl out on. Although there are food vans and places to buy food, it’s nothing special and typically over priced. Food options include:

  • The Conservatory Tea House*
  • The Undercroft Cafe
  • Riverside Fish & Chips
  • Courtyard Refreshments – these were still closed off due to Covid safety restrictions (12/06/21)

*For special occasions it’s well worth booking an afternoon tea. However, this is only available on selected dates through out the year. So, make sure to book ahead.

For younger kids (if they already have them) take swords. It’ll save you the whingeing and moaning to buy one at the castle! There are several shops and stalls selling them as they’re good to have when re-enacting with the resident knights and gentry. But they are quite an added cost; ranging from around £5-£13!

Knight school and the Falcon’s Quest show are both free, but you’ll need to pay for archery which is only for kids over the age of 6. If you’ve younger kids, use the Knight school session for a 20 minute adult break! The Falconry is great, but if you want to escape the crowds only watch the first half and then leave. That way you’ll get to wander a head with the place pretty much to yourself.

Best Bits

The kids really loved knight school and the horrible histories maze. G loved the Falconers Quest and I love the views. It wasn’t quiet when we went (on a Saturday) but there weren’t many queues. I do remember getting around it a lot faster without kids! This time we didn’t manage to show the kids the halls as navigating buggies, bags, steps & little legs meant a slow touring of the grounds. By the time it was cool enough to face braving masks inside in the heat and the outside had been fully explored, the halls had closed!

Check out our Instagram page for a reel of our full day out. Where do you suggest we go next? let us know in the comments below.

Happy Summer Wanderings,

Berrit x

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