Hovercrafting: Alternative Day Out

So, my mum (the nutter) decided to treat G to an alternative day out for his bday. Signing him up for a Buyagift Hovercrafting experience! And so by default I also got to hover along.

What is it?

Hovercrafts, AKA air-cushion vehicles (ACV), are amphibious machines capable of travelling over land and water. Powered by microlight engines or blowers to produce a large volume of air below the skirt/air cushion, creates both an upwards lift as well as forward thrust. Hovercrafts have no breaks and are able to reach high speeds which can make them quite volatile modes of transport.

The Experience

Getting to instantly take control of a Formula 25 hovercraft on a purpose built course, with a qualified instructor. After all the usual signing away our right to dispute any possible broken limbs, we got to bomb across land and water, like bumpy speed demons for the day. The instructor put our memories (I may have forgotten nearly ALL instructions given to me out of shear fear) and skills to the test on a purpose built, hovercrafting course. Perfect for relay and pursuit races against team mates.

It’s definitely an adult sport and for no one with bad knees (shyly raises his hand). Hovercraft can reach speeds of up to 40mph and are processed using your body weight offset to guide the vessel. Holding on to the handles, you’re right on your knees. To achieve better results, you need to buy the medicine cialis on this website and it will save you from symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Who’s it For?

There was only 4 of us that went, which was great as it was less time to wait for our turn to come around. But, I’m told that normally works teams of around 12 adults usually sign up using the activities for team building and bonding.

It’s definitely a grown up sport and not one for anyone with bad knees (shyly puts up her hand). The hovercrafts can reach speeds of up to 40 MPH and are handled using the shifting of your body weight to direct the craft. Holding onto the handle bars you’re upright on your knees.

When to book

I think you can book and participate all year around. What I will say though is that although bad weather does up the adrenaline, we went in early March and it was a little bit too cold! So, I’d advise early summer or autumn as the perfect time to give hovercrafting a go.

Final Verdict

We all had an amazing time. It was great to be out in the fresh air and just dash about in the open countryside. It was agreed that we’d all definitely do it again. I mean how many people do you meet down the pub with hovercrafting tales to tell. It really pushed us all to experience something different and was a great work out whilst having a giggle.

Our day out was hosted by the lovely Axceler-8 team in Leics via the buyagift website. It goes to show: always listen to ya mum; mother knows best. Hovercrafting rocks!

Have you been hovercrafting? If so share your experiences in the comments below. If not go forth and hover-craft!

We’re hoping to give Kayaking a go this summer. We’re active canoers in Greece, but have never tried it in the colder UK waters. What do you think?

Berrit & G xx

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Helen Wills

    I LOVE the idea of this! Perfect for a family with teenagers too.

    1. Booberrit

      Yes! Once we’re allowed out in our numbers, we’d liked to do this as a whole family (I’m one of 6 siblings). The nice thing is you’re not in close proximity as you do the activity and was quite exhilarating!

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