Marketing Your Blog: Creating Strategic Content

When it comes to marketing your blog, creating strategic content is key! When I first began blogging just hearing the word ‘marketing’ sent me green. But you don’t need a degree to learn and execute the basics. And you won’t need a big brand budget to copy corporate content strategies.

The Three H’s

The three ‘H’s’ are: Hero, Hub and Hygiene. Devised to help content creators ensure that they can fill the gaps in their content without losing purpose and momentum. The idea being to plan and create both ever green base content, as well as creative audience building activity.


Like all heroes, this is your attention seeker! Hero videos/content are your attention grabbing hooks. Your stand out shots, inspirational videos or divisive posts that make people stop, watch and interact. Youtube and IGTV are perfect platforms to create showcase pieces, that represent who you are and what you do.


These are your regularly updated pieces. Stories and Grid posts on Instagram can be considered as ‘Hub’ content. And depending on how regularly you post Tweets and Pins can also be considered as Hub content. Think quick and consistently posted, reliable content. The idea being to create a long term and loyal following. Creating content that people look forward to seeing in their feeds.


Although slightly less creative and not so glamorous, hygiene content is by no means less important. The idea behind hygiene content is to keep your follow clean and active, by constantly bringing in new viewers. ‘How To’ Blog posts and Youtube videos will continuously bring in new attention. Especially if you continue to post on trend, searchable content.


Most companies use a basic pyramid frame to represent how much is allocated to each type of content. If you think of the top of the pyramid as your most concentrated, but least posted content. And the bottom as your most regularly posted but least substantial content. This will give you an idea or how much time to spend on creating each type of content. As well as how often you should be thinking of posting them.

Begin your content marketing strategy by setting yourself some goals:

•Create 1 x piece of Hero content

•Create Hub content every 3-7 days

•Create Hygiene content every 1-3 days

Remember although you can follow a generic guide to establishing a strategy for your content, ultimately your content is just that; yours! Enjoy what you make and stay true to you.

What strategy do you follow when creating your content?

Carry on creating!

Much love,

Berrit x

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Tina Bailey

    These are amazing tips. I’ve never heard of this method before, but when I stand back, I’ve kind of been doing it without realising on YouTube. Less so on other platforms. I guess that explains the growth there haha! #Blogtober

    1. Booberrit

      Exactly! I think it’s so easy to get put off my jargon, but actually it’s just a matter of breaking down the basics and building on what you’re already doing!

    1. Booberrit

      Thanks, I hope they help!

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