Ace Powder: Winter Refresh Challenge

Ace for colours powder has launched the same ACE stain removal technology in a concentrated powder format. So, Britmums have set us a winter refresh challenge, to see if we can use ACE to breathe life back into last years winter woolies!

So, much laundry!

Let’s set the seen: The first week of Sept we went camping in France, week 2 we moved cities, week three was Theons birthday party and now fast forward to the end of Oct, add in potty training and halloween parties my laundry pile is a heaving, honking mess. And that’s all before I’ve even started to flip our wardrobes from summer wear to winter wear. Enter last years (now musty) knits and heavy blankets that have been gathering dust and no doubt housing mothballs since Spring. So, you can imagine any help, including the injection of extra (gifted) fresh smelling, laundry detergent was gratefully received!

What we got

On first glance what I really loved, before I even began to scale kilimanlaundry is the fact that the Tetra Pak packaging is recyclable and a perfect alternative to plastic. However, what really left me kicking myself was the lack of powder scoop and the instruction to instead use a teaspoon. I mean seriously how had I never thought of that before!?!


In order to maximise the final result colour blocked your laundry and separate lights from darks. For large blankets and heavy knits pre soak them in a laundry bucket with boiling hot water and half a small cup of the Ace powder before putting them into the washer for their final wash. Doing this not only meant I didn’t have to wash them on a high temp cycle, but also helped get the Ace right, into the fabric, letting it really get to work and do its thing.


The Ace powder worked so well to neutralise the must, I actually sprinkled a little on to the carpets of the new house. Mid renovations, the old carpets needed a bit of life breathing into them, while they wait to be ripped out and replaced. Lightly sprinkled across the carpet, left over night to absorb any odours and then hoovered up the Ace powder left the living room smelling fresh and the carpet looking brighter.

Final Result

I’m going to be totally honest here; I don’t normally like laundry powders, I’m normally all about the tabs! For me powder tends to leave an oily residue on clothes and never seems to hold its smell. And yet with the ACE powder this just wasn’t so. My knits felt soft and well conditioned without being oily and the fragrance although, not heavy carried well. So well in fact that it even managed to neutralise the smell of spew! After a savage sickness bug hit the house last week and left me drowning in a further injection of laundry. As quilts and bedding fell fowl to Exorcist-esque projectile vomiting! ACE stepped up and leant this mother a helping hand.


Definitely give it ago. Whether you want to revamp last springs spreads, winter woolies or do your bit for the environment, Ace Colour Powder is an all round high performer and helping hand. But don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself (available at Morrisons and Amazon) and let me know what you think in the comments below. Or give the winter refresh challenge a go and tag your tweets with #ACEWinterRefresh

May your laundry game be strong and your coffee stronger!

Much love,

Berrit x

*NB: Although the ACE powder was gifted, all thoughts and opinions within this article are me own.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kate Holmes

    Loving those vibrant colours – commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part

    1. Booberrit

      You need them to get through the grey winter days!

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